The rear of Exeter City Basin signal box is seenin some welcome sunshine This was one of the Western Region's 'plywood' boxes as they were often referred to being similar to others at Evesham and Onibury. This one was built in 1962 to British Railways and it is nice to see that even on the rear it retains a cast plate. This was as far as Graham and I dared get to the box as it was manned and we were the wrong side of the fence. The rusty tracks in the foreground led down to Marsh Barton but originally were at the start of the Great Western 'inland' route to Newton Abbot via Heathfield. With the continual pressure of the present sea-wall route today serious consideration is being given to the re0opeing of this route. Notice the magnificent Exeter Cathedral on the skyline. City basin box survived the initial resignalling of the Exter area in 1985 surviving on another year until November 1986 to permit railway access to Marsh Barton with the demolition gang moving in during February 1987. |