I took a photograph of Settle Junction signal box during a passing visit last summer but on that occasion, it was late in the day and the light was totally wrong. Our visit on this day was in the morning with the sun illuminating the front of the lovely Midland box dating from 1913. The signalman can be seen taking in the sun at the top of the steps but don't be fooled by this seemingly bucolic scene, directly behind me is the busy A65 Kendal to Leeds road. As of 2020 the box still exists and is in use controlling semaphores that were photographed during my most recent visit in 2018, see...... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/24425937604/x158784-2h89-settle-junction-sd813606 In addition, I also visited the box in 2014 (almost thirty-four years to the day) and took a very similar photograph apart from the growth of the trees, see..... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/30016458766/x12-settle-junction-signal-box-mr. I wonder if the signalman mentioned earlier is still working on the railways?