A furtively taken photograph of a trio of Class 170sat Birmingham New Street station. I had to take this at waist level using the flip-out screen facing upwards as a roving Network Rail employee had just told us that we were not allowed to take photographs on the station without first signing in. Now, I normally bristle when challenged on stations about such matters but as he was absolutely correct in his explanation and actually very helpful about it I could not argue. However, if he had said (as is all too common, unfortunately,) 'you are not allowed to take pictures on stations' then I would have challenged him. So full marks on this occasion for avoiding a row with me as the leader of the Awkward Party!Left - 170634, just arrived with the 1M05 08.36 from Great Malvern. Centre- 170015, stabled. Right - 170517, having just worked the 1M57 07.32 from Hereford. |