Getting trackside was a far for common practice back inprevious times something, for so many reasons not undertaken today. However, it did afford some fascinating views of trains rather than from teetering on the top of ladders or craning over parapets! Here in Salford to the west of Manchester city centre 40018 ex 'Carmania' heads a short Sunday un-fitted freight. Notice 40018's number neatly painted on the nose in the middle of the marker discs that, unfortunately, they do not read anything but if the centre lower disc had been displaying white it would have been a Royal Train working! Back in 1980, I recorded an Ordnance Survey grid reference for this spot and this pinpoints it as being just about under the present-day A57 roundabout where the M602 starts. The two bridges in view here carry Windsor and West Eggerton Streets respectively. The large warehouse building and gasometer to the right have long been demolished with office blocks taking their place. |