Image 66552, 10.34 Lawley Sreet-Felixstowe North (4L93, 37L), Uffington

66552, 10.34 Lawley Sreet-Felixstowe North (4L93, 37L), Uffington
66552, 10.34 Lawley Sreet-Felixstowe North (4L93, 37L), Uffington 
 66552 'Maltby Raider' passes Uffington signal (crossing) box leading the 10.34 Lawley Street to Felixstowe Freightliner. However, on this day, it would probably have been cheaper to take the three containers by road than haul them on an otherwise boxless train apart from the logistics of needing the wagons back at Felixstowe I suppose! I witnessed some unpleasantness between two motorists whilst waiting for the train to arrive where one had pulled in front of another who was waiting first in the queue of cars at the gates. The words exchanged between them were a little fruity! 
 Keywords: 66552 10.34 Lawley Sreet-Felixstowe North 4L93 Uffington Maltby Raider
66552, 10.34 Lawley Sreet-Felixstowe North (4L93, 37L), Uffington 
 66552 'Maltby Raider' passes Uffington signal (crossing) box leading the 10.34 Lawley Street to Felixstowe Freightliner. However, on this day, it would probably have been cheaper to take the three containers by road than haul them on an otherwise boxless train apart from the logistics of needing the wagons back at Felixstowe I suppose! I witnessed some unpleasantness between two motorists whilst waiting for the train to arrive where one had pulled in front of another who was waiting first in the queue of cars at the gates. The words exchanged between them were a little fruity! 
 Keywords: 66552 10.34 Lawley Sreet-Felixstowe North 4L93 Uffington Maltby Raider

66552 'Maltby Raider' passes Uffington signal (crossing) box leading the

10.34 Lawley Street to Felixstowe Freightliner. However, on this day, it would probably have been cheaper to take the three containers by road than haul them on an otherwise boxless train apart from the logistics of needing the wagons back at Felixstowe I suppose! I witnessed some unpleasantness between two motorists whilst waiting for the train to arrive where one had pulled in front of another who was waiting first in the queue of cars at the gates. The words exchanged between them were a little fruity!