Image 47467, 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton, Aller Junction

47467, 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton, Aller Junction
47467, 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton, Aller Junction 
 The 09.08 Newcastle to Paignton service approaches the end of its journey, seen at Aller Junction. 47467 is about to lead the train under the superb four doll gantry along with two unused dolls. The gantry was installed in 1962 following the simplification of the junction with the consequential removal of a pair of matching three doll brackets that themselves were installed in 1941 during wartime alterations. What really strikes one in this photograph is the neatness of the embankments and the trackbed. The bullhead track is laid on immaculate ballast with no weeds and looks almost manicured! The network is not maintained like this today with rampant and uncontrolled growth encroaching and creating its own problems, particularly during the leaf fall season. 
 Keywords: 47467 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton Aller Junction
47467, 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton, Aller Junction 
 The 09.08 Newcastle to Paignton service approaches the end of its journey, seen at Aller Junction. 47467 is about to lead the train under the superb four doll gantry along with two unused dolls. The gantry was installed in 1962 following the simplification of the junction with the consequential removal of a pair of matching three doll brackets that themselves were installed in 1941 during wartime alterations. What really strikes one in this photograph is the neatness of the embankments and the trackbed. The bullhead track is laid on immaculate ballast with no weeds and looks almost manicured! The network is not maintained like this today with rampant and uncontrolled growth encroaching and creating its own problems, particularly during the leaf fall season. 
 Keywords: 47467 09.08 Newcastle-Paignton Aller Junction

The 09.08 Newcastle to Paignton service approaches the end of

its journey, seen at Aller Junction. 47467 is about to lead the train under the superb four doll gantry along with two unused dolls. The gantry was installed in 1962 following the simplification of the junction with the consequential removal of a pair of matching three doll brackets that themselves were installed in 1941 during wartime alterations. What really strikes one in this photograph is the neatness of the embankments and the trackbed. The bullhead track is laid on immaculate ballast with no weeds and looks almost manicured! The network is not maintained like this today with rampant and uncontrolled growth encroaching and creating its own problems, particularly during the leaf fall season.