Image 34016, 16.50 Alresford-Ropley, Bishop's Sutton SU598325

34016, 16.50 Alresford-Ropley, Bishop's Sutton SU598325
34016, 16.50 Alresford-Ropley, Bishop's Sutton SU598325 
 34016 'Bodmin' makes a fine sight as it emerges from the cutting to the east of New Alresford crossing the old A31 road bridge now the B3047 with the opening of the much needed bypass in 1986. The Bulleid Pacific is passing Alresford's fixed distant signal with the station just over half a mile from this location with the 16.50 to Ropley, its final working of the day. 
 Keywords: 34016 16.50 Alresford-Ropley, Bishop's Sutton SU598325 Watercress Line Mid Hants Railway Bodmin
34016, 16.50 Alresford-Ropley, Bishop's Sutton SU598325 
 34016 'Bodmin' makes a fine sight as it emerges from the cutting to the east of New Alresford crossing the old A31 road bridge now the B3047 with the opening of the much needed bypass in 1986. The Bulleid Pacific is passing Alresford's fixed distant signal with the station just over half a mile from this location with the 16.50 to Ropley, its final working of the day. 
 Keywords: 34016 16.50 Alresford-Ropley, Bishop's Sutton SU598325 Watercress Line Mid Hants Railway Bodmin

34016 'Bodmin' makes a fine sight as it emerges from

the cutting to the east of New Alresford crossing the old A31 road bridge now the B3047 with the opening of the much needed bypass in 1986. The Bulleid Pacific is passing Alresford's fixed distant signal with the station just over half a mile from this location with the 16.50 to Ropley, its final working of the day.