Image 35018, awaiting restoration, Ropley Yard

35018, awaiting restoration, Ropley Yard
35018, awaiting restoration, Ropley Yard 
 35018 'British India Line' had arrived in the yard at Ropley only a month prior to this photograph being taken having been rescued from Dai Woodham's famous Barry scrapyard. It came to the Mid-Hants Railway with the tender from 35025 'Brocklebank Line'. It would take another incredible thirty-six years before it would steam again in 2016, with it moving between various locations, with the work eventually being completed at Carnforth's Steamtown by WCR. 35018 is now mainline registered and undertakes charter work but it is one steam locomotive that I have yet to capture undertaking such work.

UPDATE - UPDATE - UPDATE..... I now have my first photograph of this locomotive since this one was taken in 1980. Some forty-four years later it is seen on the mainline passing through Roade, see..... 
 Keywords: 35018 awaiting restoration Ropley Yard British India Line Watercress Line Mid Hants Railway
35018, awaiting restoration, Ropley Yard 
 35018 'British India Line' had arrived in the yard at Ropley only a month prior to this photograph being taken having been rescued from Dai Woodham's famous Barry scrapyard. It came to the Mid-Hants Railway with the tender from 35025 'Brocklebank Line'. It would take another incredible thirty-six years before it would steam again in 2016, with it moving between various locations, with the work eventually being completed at Carnforth's Steamtown by WCR. 35018 is now mainline registered and undertakes charter work but it is one steam locomotive that I have yet to capture undertaking such work.

UPDATE - UPDATE - UPDATE..... I now have my first photograph of this locomotive since this one was taken in 1980. Some forty-four years later it is seen on the mainline passing through Roade, see..... 
 Keywords: 35018 awaiting restoration Ropley Yard British India Line Watercress Line Mid Hants Railway

35018 'British India Line' had arrived in the yard at Ropley only a month prior to this photograph being taken having been rescued from Dai Woodham's famous Barry scrapyard. It came to the Mid-Hants Railway with the tender from 35025 'Brocklebank Line'. It would take another incredible thirty-six years before it would steam again in 2016, with it moving between various locations, with the work eventually being completed at Carnforth's Steamtown by WCR. 35018 is now mainline registered and undertakes charter work but it is one steam locomotive that I have yet to capture undertaking such work.

UPDATE - UPDATE - UPDATE..... I now have my first photograph of this locomotive since this one was taken in 1980. Some forty-four years later it is seen on the mainline passing through Roade, see.....