Dead in tow the smartly repainted 90037 is at therear of the 13.32 Wembley to Alstom (Widnes) 5Z90 special working. Along with a short set of former LNER liveried Mk.IVs (12211, 12434, 12310, 11319 and 82201) the convoy is seen taking the Weedon route towards Rugby through Roade cutting with 90037 providing the power at the front. The set of stock and the GC liveried and branded Class 90 were being taken to the Widnes facility for secure storage awaiting developments following Grand Central's complete shutdown during the pandemic period. It is not at all certain if it will commence operations again and, if it does, whether its plans to operate its new services, that this stock was to be utilised on, will come to fruition. |