Having seen 37800 'Cassiopeia' work light engine earlier in theday I was awaiting its return in anticipation of a smashing photograph in the low evening sunshine. However, things went wrong when towing 317340 somewhere in north London and it lost a lot of time. As it was dinner time (and my turn to cook!) I had to make do with the spot that was the nearest to home and quickest to get to! Unfortunately, by the time the train arrived the sun had just dipped behind a line of tall trees behind me that put it in deep shadow. I have done the best that I can with Photoshop so this offering will have to do! The 16.16 Ilford to Kilmarnock runs through the night arriving at the Scottish facility at breakfast time the next day. In this particular case it caught up all of its lost time arriving fifteen minutes early. By the way, dinner was smashing and I am allowed out again to play! |