46233 'Duchess of Sutherland' looks completely at home on theWCML in its authentic Brunswick green livery as it hauls the outward leg of The Cathedrals Express charter that left Rugby at 07.16. The Coronation Class was to have hauled the 1Z62 charter in its entirety being removed at Willesden on it return in the evening. However, passengers were to be disappointed as at Southall 46233 and its support coach came off the train in favour of diesel haulage to Bristol. Reportedly, this change of traction was due to gauging issues, quite why this had not been spotted or thought about earlier I am not at all sure? As can be seen in this image, the scourge of a westerly wind has taken its toll on the exhaust drifting it across the locomotive and the front of the train spoiling the photograph taken between the villages of Roade and Ashton. |