Having towed a Class 442 from Eastleigh early in the morning and having deposited it at Wolverton Works, 37800 'Cassiopeia' gets underway again returning to its base at Leicester. Quite why it is towing 20311 and 20314 I am not sure but if anybody can enlighten me that would be useful! Behind the trio of locomotives are four ancient Mk.1 coaches that were used as barrier vehicles when dragging the Wessex electric earlier. The staff at Wolverton Works had to get a move on in order to release this train as another one was bearing down on it to enter the works and if they were not careful this would foul the down fast, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/29028474804/x323210-11-05-soho-lmd-wolverton In addition to these two trains into Wolverton, another one left later in the afternoon. Looks like that they have plenty of work on!