The 07.50 Felixstowe to Lawley Street is just getting underwayafter sitting on the down slow line just in sight under the Ashton Road bridge in the distance. It was there for over two hours following the re-opening of the up and down fast lines (nearest the camera). The train was used to shield the view from passing trains of the recovery and investigations following the horrible death of a track worker hit by 2N30 earlier in the morning. 66415 'You Are Never Alone' gets the heavy train going to be followed by the handing back of the down slow to signalers. The up slow opened sometime later once 2N30 was moved away from the scene. This awful incident reminds us again how dangerous railways are. This appeared to be a well-managed worksite and I am sure that the protocols and safety cases were all followed and in place and yet, still a worker was tragically hit and killed by a train. My thoughts are with all those involved with this tragedy. |