Image Newtonhill signal box (Caledonian, 1876)

Newtonhill signal box (Caledonian, 1876)
Newtonhill signal box (Caledonian, 1876) 
 Apart from replacement windows the 1876 Caledonian Railway N1+ signal box looks largely unmolested complete with its hipped roof. The signal box used to sit at the northern end of the down station platform that closed in 1956. Network Rail has plans to re-signal this section of line to Stonehaven (and eventually beyond) in the next few years so I suspect that the box is living on borrowed time. 
 Keywords: Newtonhill signal box Caledonian Railway
Newtonhill signal box (Caledonian, 1876) 
 Apart from replacement windows the 1876 Caledonian Railway N1+ signal box looks largely unmolested complete with its hipped roof. The signal box used to sit at the northern end of the down station platform that closed in 1956. Network Rail has plans to re-signal this section of line to Stonehaven (and eventually beyond) in the next few years so I suspect that the box is living on borrowed time. 
 Keywords: Newtonhill signal box Caledonian Railway

Apart from replacement windows the 1876 Caledonian Railway N1+ signal

box looks largely unmolested complete with its hipped roof. The signal box used to sit at the northern end of the down station platform that closed in 1956. Network Rail has plans to re-signal this section of line to Stonehaven (and eventually beyond) in the next few years so I suspect that the box is living on borrowed time.