Image 43040 (1B15), 43145 (1G11), 43196 (1C75), 43053 (1U06), London Paddington station

43040 (1B15), 43145 (1G11), 43196 (1C75), 43053 (1U06), London Paddington station
43040 (1B15), 43145 (1G11), 43196 (1C75), 43053 (1U06), London Paddington station 
 A classic line up of HSTs at London Paddington station; a scene set to change over the coming few years with the arrival of brand new shiny electric units. From left to right in this line up is....

43040 'Bristol St. Philips Marsh', 08.45 London Paddington-Swansea (1B15)
43145, 08.15 London Paddington-Swansea (1G11)
43196, 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton (1C75)
43053 'University of Worcester', 08.30 London Paddington-BathSpa (1U06) 
 Keywords: 43040 Bristol St. Philips Marsh 08.45 London Paddington-Swansea 1B15 43145 08.15 London Paddington-Swansea 1G11 43196 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton 1C75 & 43053 08.30 London Paddington-Bath Spa 1U06 London Paddington station University of Worcester
43040 (1B15), 43145 (1G11), 43196 (1C75), 43053 (1U06), London Paddington station 
 A classic line up of HSTs at London Paddington station; a scene set to change over the coming few years with the arrival of brand new shiny electric units. From left to right in this line up is....

43040 'Bristol St. Philips Marsh', 08.45 London Paddington-Swansea (1B15)
43145, 08.15 London Paddington-Swansea (1G11)
43196, 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton (1C75)
43053 'University of Worcester', 08.30 London Paddington-BathSpa (1U06) 
 Keywords: 43040 Bristol St. Philips Marsh 08.45 London Paddington-Swansea 1B15 43145 08.15 London Paddington-Swansea 1G11 43196 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton 1C75 & 43053 08.30 London Paddington-Bath Spa 1U06 London Paddington station University of Worcester

A classic line up of HSTs at London Paddington station;

a scene set to change over the coming few years with the arrival of brand new shiny electric units. From left to right in this line up is....

43040 'Bristol St. Philips Marsh', 08.45 London Paddington-Swansea (1B15)
43145, 08.15 London Paddington-Swansea (1G11)
43196, 08.30 London Paddington-Paignton (1C75)
43053 'University of Worcester', 08.30 London Paddington-BathSpa (1U06)