This mysterious working had appeared on Realtime Trains but, asusual, I fully expected it not to operate. However, the 12.55 Southall to Rugby did depart, if a little later than planned. There was a lot of chatter on the usual forums about what it was and as it was given the 0X33 headcode most assumed it was a Crompton with people trying to work out what one it would be. As became clear, it was 33207 'Jim Martin' fitted with mini snow ploughs and it is seen here passing through Roade cutting. The locomotive had been hired in by Network Rail in anticipation of windblown debris being blown on to the line as a result of Storm Ciara that was due the following day. The idea was that if the lines did get blocked then the locomotive could 'plough' the material out of the way. There was huge disruption the following day as the storm passed through with a blanket speed restriction but I am unaware if 33207's services were called upon. |