A photograph that could have been taken in the 1970sor 1980s (apart from the electrification equipment and it being on the ECML as opposed to the GWML) shows the early Western Region HST power car W43003 passing Offord Cluny. W43003 (ex of 253003) is seen, along with an InterCity 125 liveried coach, at the rear of the final leg of the Let's go Round Again charity railtour to bring the curtain down on ECML HST operations. Unfortunately, control had deemed it appropriate to put the train on the up slow from Huntingdon into King's Cross so there was little fast running on this final run. I was very surprised to be joined by about ten people at this spot meaning it was a little cramped and that prevented me from getting a 'going-away' photograph. A number of us commented on how bizarre it was that here were all gathered to witness this event over forty years after the introduction of the HSTs when we resented their arrival. After the train had passed, a fellow enthusiast cheerily walked away saying 'see you all in twenty years' time for the Azuma farewell!' |