Image 142118, NT 11.40 Metrocentre-Newcastle (2W31), Newcastle station

142118, NT 11.40 Metrocentre-Newcastle (2W31), Newcastle station
142118, NT 11.40 Metrocentre-Newcastle (2W31), Newcastle station 
 On arrival at Newcastle station, the first train that greated us was a delightful Northern Trains Pacer. 142118 is pulling into platform eight with the 11.40 Metrocentre to Newcastle shuttle, a distance of just over three miles. 
 Keywords: 142118 11.40 Metrocentre-Newcastle 2W31 Newcastle station pacer Northern Trains
142118, NT 11.40 Metrocentre-Newcastle (2W31), Newcastle station 
 On arrival at Newcastle station, the first train that greated us was a delightful Northern Trains Pacer. 142118 is pulling into platform eight with the 11.40 Metrocentre to Newcastle shuttle, a distance of just over three miles. 
 Keywords: 142118 11.40 Metrocentre-Newcastle 2W31 Newcastle station pacer Northern Trains

On arrival at Newcastle station, the first train that greated

us was a delightful Northern Trains Pacer. 142118 is pulling into platform eight with the 11.40 Metrocentre to Newcastle shuttle, a distance of just over three miles.