I think that the livery applied to some of the class 350s, as seen here in Roade cutting, looks ridiculous! The silly yellow square and dark green paintwork is reminiscent of the British Railways green livery applied to much of its diesel fleet in the early 1960s, it didn't look good then and it's the same now! 350262 and 350112 form the 11.55 London Euston to Northampton, an unusual service with the headcode 2Z27. On studying Realtime Trains it was clear that a London Northwestern temporary timetable was in place with all trains going as far as Northampton and then heading back south from there. Trains were re-timed and most assigned with 2ZXX headcodes. On logging on to their website they stated that 'due to a temporary shortage of traincrew over half term (including those volunteering for overtime), we will be running an amended timetable south of Rugby on Saturday.' This ended a disastrous week for the company with delays every day causing hours of disruption for its passengers, see.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-50262788