Having realised that the camera on shutter priority auto. settingdid not cope well with the previous picture of an HST from this angle, I opted for manual control on this image. I went for the foreground being slightly overexposed (about half a stop) and the sky underexposed (about a stop). It was then a relatively easy job in Photoshop to pull things back in order to present the final image as seen here. 66068 passes Bishton on the down fast with the 6B41 11.15 Westerleigh to Robseton oil empties. The two tracks to the right are the 'slow' lines with the left-hand one crossing the fast line in about a mile's time on 1961 built Bishton flyover. Thus, on the run into Severn Tunnel Junction the fast lines are in the centre with the up and down slows to the left and right. |