In a break from the usual grey livery applied to most RZD rolling stock, their headline trains, the EVS1 Sapsans are painted white. Looking purposeful sitting at St. Petersburg Moskovsky station EVS1-12, with another set attached to the rear, waits to leave with the 13.00 to Moscow. We took this train to the Russian capital city. Notice the grey suited staff standing by every coach door. Their job was to greet and admit passengers after scanning their passports or Russian ID cards and directing them to their seats. They also then travelled on the train in that carriage meaning a total of twenty RZD staff were on the train composed of two ten car sets; an unimaginable situation when compared to the UK! The Sapsans are a widened version of DB's ICE train, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/v/photos/21936chg/24262781204/x406054-13-29-frankfurt-hbf-amsterdam that takes full advantage of the generous Russian railway loading gauge. This wider body was noticeable inside the train with very generous seating and large gangways. In addition, the seats were very comfortable, Hitachi and other manufactures of UK trains need to take note!