Image Dudding Hill Junction, from signal box steps, TQ227858

Dudding Hill Junction, from signal box steps, TQ227858
Dudding Hill Junction, from signal box steps, TQ227858 
 A photograph taken from the steps of Dudding Hill Junction signal box looking northeast. Both of the lines seen in this photograph lead to the MML forming a triangular junction with it. The line to the left leads to Brent Curve Junction with the one to the right joining the MML at Cricklewood Curve Junction leading into St. Pancras. Forty years on from this photograph being taken, the lovely linesman's hut has gone but the rugby posts are still extant in the Dollis Hill sports ground to the far left. 
 Keywords: Dudding Hill Junction from signal box steps TQ227858
Dudding Hill Junction, from signal box steps, TQ227858 
 A photograph taken from the steps of Dudding Hill Junction signal box looking northeast. Both of the lines seen in this photograph lead to the MML forming a triangular junction with it. The line to the left leads to Brent Curve Junction with the one to the right joining the MML at Cricklewood Curve Junction leading into St. Pancras. Forty years on from this photograph being taken, the lovely linesman's hut has gone but the rugby posts are still extant in the Dollis Hill sports ground to the far left. 
 Keywords: Dudding Hill Junction from signal box steps TQ227858

A photograph taken from the steps of Dudding Hill Junction

signal box looking northeast. Both of the lines seen in this photograph lead to the MML forming a triangular junction with it. The line to the left leads to Brent Curve Junction with the one to the right joining the MML at Cricklewood Curve Junction leading into St. Pancras. Forty years on from this photograph being taken, the lovely linesman's hut has gone but the rugby posts are still extant in the Dollis Hill sports ground to the far left.