Image Signals, Kew East Junction, looking NE TQ192785

Signals, Kew East Junction, looking NE TQ192785
Signals, Kew East Junction, looking NE TQ192785 
 With Kew East Junction signal box now behind me, this view is looking northeast towards Acton and Willesden. The incredibly tall pair of signal posts have four sets of co-acting arms. The top two were removed in later years, but the posts remained right up to the end when the mechanical signalling was swept away in 2012. Notice the lovely art deco style factory to the right of the image, unfortunately, this has been demolished and replaced by a huge B&Q superstore. The bridge carries the A496 Gunnersbury Avenue over the line, and this was the cause of the sighting issues hence unusually high signal posts as mentioned. 
 Keywords: Signals Kew East Junction TQ192785
Signals, Kew East Junction, looking NE TQ192785 
 With Kew East Junction signal box now behind me, this view is looking northeast towards Acton and Willesden. The incredibly tall pair of signal posts have four sets of co-acting arms. The top two were removed in later years, but the posts remained right up to the end when the mechanical signalling was swept away in 2012. Notice the lovely art deco style factory to the right of the image, unfortunately, this has been demolished and replaced by a huge B&Q superstore. The bridge carries the A496 Gunnersbury Avenue over the line, and this was the cause of the sighting issues hence unusually high signal posts as mentioned. 
 Keywords: Signals Kew East Junction TQ192785

With Kew East Junction signal box now behind me, this

view is looking northeast towards Acton and Willesden. The incredibly tall pair of signal posts have four sets of co-acting arms. The top two were removed in later years, but the posts remained right up to the end when the mechanical signalling was swept away in 2012. Notice the lovely art deco style factory to the right of the image, unfortunately, this has been demolished and replaced by a huge B&Q superstore. The bridge carries the A496 Gunnersbury Avenue over the line, and this was the cause of the sighting issues hence unusually high signal posts as mentioned.