Image 323201, 10.12 Wolverton Works-Soho MPD ECS, Victoria bridge

323201, 10.12 Wolverton Works-Soho MPD ECS, Victoria bridge
323201, 10.12 Wolverton Works-Soho MPD ECS, Victoria bridge 
 Having been in receipt of attention at Wolverton works, 323201 returns home to the West Midlands as the 10.12 Wolverton to Soho MPD. I was not sure if this working had hit a problem whilst I was following its progress on the opentraitimes map. Having left Wolverton via the north release it commenced its journey only then to stop just south of Hanslope Junction at a green signal where it sat for about ten minutes. It eventually got going again and made it back to Soho with no further problems. 
 Keywords: 32320 10.12 Wolverton Works-Soho MPD ECS Victoria bridge
323201, 10.12 Wolverton Works-Soho MPD ECS, Victoria bridge 
 Having been in receipt of attention at Wolverton works, 323201 returns home to the West Midlands as the 10.12 Wolverton to Soho MPD. I was not sure if this working had hit a problem whilst I was following its progress on the opentraitimes map. Having left Wolverton via the north release it commenced its journey only then to stop just south of Hanslope Junction at a green signal where it sat for about ten minutes. It eventually got going again and made it back to Soho with no further problems. 
 Keywords: 32320 10.12 Wolverton Works-Soho MPD ECS Victoria bridge

Having been in receipt of attention at Wolverton works, 323201

returns home to the West Midlands as the 10.12 Wolverton to Soho MPD. I was not sure if this working had hit a problem whilst I was following its progress on the opentraitimes map. Having left Wolverton via the north release it commenced its journey only then to stop just south of Hanslope Junction at a green signal where it sat for about ten minutes. It eventually got going again and made it back to Soho with no further problems.