Image 390117, VT 10.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B08, RT), Milton Malsor SP738560

390117, VT 10.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B08, RT), Milton Malsor SP738560
390117, VT 10.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B08, RT), Milton Malsor SP738560 
 390117 'Blue Peter' forms the 10.05 Wolverhampton to Euston approaching Milton Malsor on the Northampton loop off the WCML. It will rejoin the route it would normally have taken in Roade cutting, about three miles away. Notice that the embankment is re-growing at an alarming rate having been completely cleared last winter. I suspect that by this time next year, this picture will have become almost impossible again. 
 Keywords: 390117 10.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston 1B08 Milton Malsor SP738560
390117, VT 10.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B08, RT), Milton Malsor SP738560 
 390117 'Blue Peter' forms the 10.05 Wolverhampton to Euston approaching Milton Malsor on the Northampton loop off the WCML. It will rejoin the route it would normally have taken in Roade cutting, about three miles away. Notice that the embankment is re-growing at an alarming rate having been completely cleared last winter. I suspect that by this time next year, this picture will have become almost impossible again. 
 Keywords: 390117 10.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston 1B08 Milton Malsor SP738560

390117 'Blue Peter' forms the 10.05 Wolverhampton to Euston approaching

Milton Malsor on the Northampton loop off the WCML. It will rejoin the route it would normally have taken in Roade cutting, about three miles away. Notice that the embankment is re-growing at an alarming rate having been completely cleared last winter. I suspect that by this time next year, this picture will have become almost impossible again.