Why a picture of a seat in a class 700you may ask? Why, because it is possibly the most uncomfortable seat on a train that I have sat on! Apart from the backrest being almost vertical from the base meaning that one feels like one is sitting up and begging, it is so hard. I was only on the train for about fifteen minutes as far as Potters Bar but I found myself having to shift from buttock to buttock as they were going numb and I am not kidding! I jest but a serious point here, whilst these are commuter trains where perceived journey times are short, this one goes as far as Cambridge North, a traveling time of over one and a half hours. This would be absolute misery for a passenger doing the whole journey. It's not just these train that are in receipt of complaints about their seating. WHEN are manufactures and operators going to take any notice of what is being said and act upon it? And, absolute piffle to the points raised about them having to be fire retardant to meet H & S legislation, just compare them to the new and deep seats on the Vivarail class 230s. |