As we left Crewe heading for home I managed totake this photograph, straight into the late afternoon sun, from the droplight of our train. From the left, it shows 47425 next to an unusual visitor, 76010. At this time, 76010 was still in service, not being withdrawn until July 1981. The class 40 in the centre partially obscured by the catenary mast I have down as 40097 but contemporary records state that this was in the works at this time (even though I did not have its number recorded in my notes) so I thought that I must have identified it incorrectly being unable to see the number even from the enlarged image. One of my readers, Peter Burnett, has confirmed my identification of the loco. so, why was it not in the works? I am unsure. The 40 to the right is easy to identify as 40017 'Carinthia'. It had been released from the works the previous week after receiving auxiliary generator repairs, having arrived in early June. |