A Derby built Class 108 two-car DMU leaves Foxfield station working the 14.40 Barrow-in-Furness to Sellafield local stopper. Notice the drop lights in the doors have bars across the openings to avoid heads being leaned out. This is because these DMUs operated through a number of very narrow bore tunnels on the Cumbrian Coast line, for example, just south of Whitehaven. These class 108s were based at Carlisle and were dedicated for use on this line. At the time of writing, the glorious 1879 Furness signal box is still in use, indeed, I took a very similar picture during a visit in 2013 but there was no first-generation DMU featuring in that particular image, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/30061915079/x35-foxfield-signal-box-furness-1879