Image 390152, VT 12.52 Edinburgh-London Euston (9M56, 6L), Birmingham New Street station

390152, VT 12.52 Edinburgh-London Euston (9M56, 6L), Birmingham New Street station
390152, VT 12.52 Edinburgh-London Euston (9M56, 6L), Birmingham New Street station 
 The huge new structure that sits above the platforms of Birmingham New Street station contains the vast station concourse and then above that an equally vast area of retailing and eateries. The exterior of the building is clad in these somewhat controversial stainless steel panels that have been 'dulled down' in an effort to avoid refective problems. VT's 390152 'Virgin Spirit' pauses at the station with the 12.52 Edinburgh to Euston. 
 Keywords: 390152 12.52 Edinburgh-London Euston 9M56 Birmingham New Street station
390152, VT 12.52 Edinburgh-London Euston (9M56, 6L), Birmingham New Street station 
 The huge new structure that sits above the platforms of Birmingham New Street station contains the vast station concourse and then above that an equally vast area of retailing and eateries. The exterior of the building is clad in these somewhat controversial stainless steel panels that have been 'dulled down' in an effort to avoid refective problems. VT's 390152 'Virgin Spirit' pauses at the station with the 12.52 Edinburgh to Euston. 
 Keywords: 390152 12.52 Edinburgh-London Euston 9M56 Birmingham New Street station

The huge new structure that sits above the platforms of

Birmingham New Street station contains the vast station concourse and then above that an equally vast area of retailing and eateries. The exterior of the building is clad in these somewhat controversial stainless steel panels that have been 'dulled down' in an effort to avoid refective problems. VT's 390152 'Virgin Spirit' pauses at the station with the 12.52 Edinburgh to Euston.