Image 50013, unidentified down train, Cogload signal box

50013, unidentified down train, Cogload signal box
50013, unidentified down train, Cogload signal box 
 In the last vestiges of evening light, 50013 'Agincourt' swings off the direct London line via Westbury and joins the Bristol lines. It was heading an unidentified down working. It is somewhat strange that my records do not positively identify this working as it was taken from Cogload signal box and I had probably pulled the levers to give it the road myself! Notice the red colour light that marked the fringe of the Bristol Panel. This is the signal that I unintentionally caused to clear to green next morning, causing quite a panic! I love the lighting in this photograph, typical of a warm summer's evening. 
 Keywords: 50013 unidentified down train Cogload signal box
50013, unidentified down train, Cogload signal box 
 In the last vestiges of evening light, 50013 'Agincourt' swings off the direct London line via Westbury and joins the Bristol lines. It was heading an unidentified down working. It is somewhat strange that my records do not positively identify this working as it was taken from Cogload signal box and I had probably pulled the levers to give it the road myself! Notice the red colour light that marked the fringe of the Bristol Panel. This is the signal that I unintentionally caused to clear to green next morning, causing quite a panic! I love the lighting in this photograph, typical of a warm summer's evening. 
 Keywords: 50013 unidentified down train Cogload signal box

In the last vestiges of evening light, 50013 'Agincourt' swings

off the direct London line via Westbury and joins the Bristol lines. It was heading an unidentified down working. It is somewhat strange that my records do not positively identify this working as it was taken from Cogload signal box and I had probably pulled the levers to give it the road myself! Notice the red colour light that marked the fringe of the Bristol Panel. This is the signal that I unintentionally caused to clear to green next morning, causing quite a panic! I love the lighting in this photograph, typical of a warm summer's evening.