Image Wellington signal box

Wellington signal box
Wellington signal box 
 Wellington signal box, smart with its BR (Western Region) enamel. Notice the strategically placed ladder from the old platform to track level for the signalman’s use; health and safety anybody? This box sits on the redundant up platform from which the loop has been removed. The down loop remains in use today and is used by engineering trains. The box is one of the Great Western's standard brick-built Type 7 designs with the classic three panes over two window arrangement. This is a large box with four windows into the frame room and it is a little incongruously squat as it sits on the old station platform. This arrangement is the same as that at Tiverton Junction, some eight railway miles to the west. 
 Keywords: Wellington signal box
Wellington signal box 
 Wellington signal box, smart with its BR (Western Region) enamel. Notice the strategically placed ladder from the old platform to track level for the signalman’s use; health and safety anybody? This box sits on the redundant up platform from which the loop has been removed. The down loop remains in use today and is used by engineering trains. The box is one of the Great Western's standard brick-built Type 7 designs with the classic three panes over two window arrangement. This is a large box with four windows into the frame room and it is a little incongruously squat as it sits on the old station platform. This arrangement is the same as that at Tiverton Junction, some eight railway miles to the west. 
 Keywords: Wellington signal box

Wellington signal box, smart with its BR (Western Region) enamel.

Notice the strategically placed ladder from the old platform to track level for the signalman’s use; health and safety anybody? This box sits on the redundant up platform from which the loop has been removed. The down loop remains in use today and is used by engineering trains. The box is one of the Great Western's standard brick-built Type 7 designs with the classic three panes over two window arrangement. This is a large box with four windows into the frame room and it is a little incongruously squat as it sits on the old station platform. This arrangement is the same as that at Tiverton Junction, some eight railway miles to the west.