There is one huge giveaway as to the location ofthis picture; the white horse on the escarpment marking the northern edge of Salisbury Plain in the background. This view is taken from a footpath bridge that crosses the Westbury cut-off (or station avoider) near the village of Dilton Marsh that is just south-east of Westbury. Unfortunately, I was not able to capture the number of the Class 50, my notebook simply says '5004?' So, I have no chance of identifying the up working either. Notice the former Great Western cast sign in the bottom left-hand corner of the picture. In common with many such signs at this time, the actual message has been highlighted in white paint on the raised letters, but the title that would probably have said 'Great Western Railway' (or such) has been left unpainted. The other thing to notice is the line of dead elm trees, it gives the impression that the picture was taken in winter rather than the first day of June. Dutch elm disease killed virtually all of the elm trees in the West Country as it spread up the country, completely changing the landscape in the process. |