Image 56302, 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road-Washwood Heath (0Z56), Bourton SU234875

56302, 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road-Washwood Heath (0Z56), Bourton SU234875
56302, 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road-Washwood Heath (0Z56), Bourton SU234875 
 I had seen some gen that this mysterious light engine movement was taking place along the GWML and that it was coinciding with my drive home from Box so I decided to wait and see what it produced. Colas 56302 'Peco The Rail Modeller 2016 70 Years' runs as the 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road to Washwood Heath. I never did discover why this light engine move went via the circuitous route from Gloucester to Birmingham via Didcot and Banbury. It is seen passing Bourton just east of Swindon. 
 Keywords: 56302 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road-Washwood Heath 0Z56 Bourton SU234875
56302, 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road-Washwood Heath (0Z56), Bourton SU234875 
 I had seen some gen that this mysterious light engine movement was taking place along the GWML and that it was coinciding with my drive home from Box so I decided to wait and see what it produced. Colas 56302 'Peco The Rail Modeller 2016 70 Years' runs as the 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road to Washwood Heath. I never did discover why this light engine move went via the circuitous route from Gloucester to Birmingham via Didcot and Banbury. It is seen passing Bourton just east of Swindon. 
 Keywords: 56302 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road-Washwood Heath 0Z56 Bourton SU234875

I had seen some gen that this mysterious light engine

movement was taking place along the GWML and that it was coinciding with my drive home from Box so I decided to wait and see what it produced. Colas 56302 'Peco The Rail Modeller 2016 70 Years' runs as the 13.05 Gloucester Horton Road to Washwood Heath. I never did discover why this light engine move went via the circuitous route from Gloucester to Birmingham via Didcot and Banbury. It is seen passing Bourton just east of Swindon.