Image 390020, VT 07.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B05, 3L), Bugbrooke footbridge

390020, VT 07.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B05, 3L), Bugbrooke footbridge
390020, VT 07.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B05, 3L), Bugbrooke footbridge 
 390020 (I think!) passes Bugbrooke in Northamptonshire working the 07.05 Wolverhampton to Euston. The early morning sun had just raised itself above the hill behind me enough to illuminate the front end of the Pendolino, but my goodness, it remained bitterly cold! 
 Keywords: 390020 07.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston 1B05 Bugbrooke footbridge
390020, VT 07.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B05, 3L), Bugbrooke footbridge 
 390020 (I think!) passes Bugbrooke in Northamptonshire working the 07.05 Wolverhampton to Euston. The early morning sun had just raised itself above the hill behind me enough to illuminate the front end of the Pendolino, but my goodness, it remained bitterly cold! 
 Keywords: 390020 07.05 Wolverhampton-London Euston 1B05 Bugbrooke footbridge

390020 (I think!) passes Bugbrooke in Northamptonshire working the 07.05

Wolverhampton to Euston. The early morning sun had just raised itself above the hill behind me enough to illuminate the front end of the Pendolino, but my goodness, it remained bitterly cold!