Image 156452, NT 13.03 Manchester VIctoria-Clitheroe (2N52), Bolton station

156452, NT 13.03 Manchester VIctoria-Clitheroe (2N52), Bolton station
156452, NT 13.03 Manchester VIctoria-Clitheroe (2N52), Bolton station 
 A busy scene at Bolton station as 156452 waits at platform one with the 13.03 Manchester Victoria to Clitheroe working. Notice the ancient1970s BR era buffet sign still on the wall of the station building. 
 Keywords: 156452 13.03 Manchester VIctoria-Clitheroe 2N52 Bolton station
156452, NT 13.03 Manchester VIctoria-Clitheroe (2N52), Bolton station 
 A busy scene at Bolton station as 156452 waits at platform one with the 13.03 Manchester Victoria to Clitheroe working. Notice the ancient1970s BR era buffet sign still on the wall of the station building. 
 Keywords: 156452 13.03 Manchester VIctoria-Clitheroe 2N52 Bolton station

A busy scene at Bolton station as 156452 waits at

platform one with the 13.03 Manchester Victoria to Clitheroe working. Notice the ancient1970s BR era buffet sign still on the wall of the station building.