Image 350401, TP 09.06 Glasgow Central 10.55 Windermere-Manchester Airport (1M94), Manchester Piccadilly station

350401, TP 09.06 Glasgow Central 10.55 Windermere-Manchester Airport (1M94), Manchester Piccadilly station
350401, TP 09.06 Glasgow Central 10.55 Windermere-Manchester Airport (1M94), Manchester Piccadilly station 
 On arrival at Manchester, the cloudy and dull conditions further south had given way to some winter sunshine. With he grand arches of Piccadilly station in the background, 350401 and another unidentified unit around the corners, pause with the Trans Pennine 09.06 Glasgow Central to Manchester Airport. This train had also joined with the 10.55 from Windermere but I am not sure where this happened, can anybody advise? 
 Keywords: 350401 09.06 Glasgow Central 10.55 Windermere-Manchester Airport 1M94 Manchester Piccadilly station
350401, TP 09.06 Glasgow Central 10.55 Windermere-Manchester Airport (1M94), Manchester Piccadilly station 
 On arrival at Manchester, the cloudy and dull conditions further south had given way to some winter sunshine. With he grand arches of Piccadilly station in the background, 350401 and another unidentified unit around the corners, pause with the Trans Pennine 09.06 Glasgow Central to Manchester Airport. This train had also joined with the 10.55 from Windermere but I am not sure where this happened, can anybody advise? 
 Keywords: 350401 09.06 Glasgow Central 10.55 Windermere-Manchester Airport 1M94 Manchester Piccadilly station

On arrival at Manchester, the cloudy and dull conditions further

south had given way to some winter sunshine. With he grand arches of Piccadilly station in the background, 350401 and another unidentified unit around the corners, pause with the Trans Pennine 09.06 Glasgow Central to Manchester Airport. This train had also joined with the 10.55 from Windermere but I am not sure where this happened, can anybody advise?