Image 350125, LM 12.54 London Euston-Northampton (2N55, RT), Victoria Bridge

350125, LM 12.54 London Euston-Northampton (2N55, RT), Victoria Bridge
350125, LM 12.54 London Euston-Northampton (2N55, RT), Victoria Bridge 
 350125 is close to completing its journey, the 12.54 from Euston to Northampton with the county town being just over five miles north of this spot at Victoria Bridge. This is even closer to my home that is three fields away! 
 Keywords: 350125 12.54 London Euston-Northampton 2N55 Victoria Bridge
350125, LM 12.54 London Euston-Northampton (2N55, RT), Victoria Bridge 
 350125 is close to completing its journey, the 12.54 from Euston to Northampton with the county town being just over five miles north of this spot at Victoria Bridge. This is even closer to my home that is three fields away! 
 Keywords: 350125 12.54 London Euston-Northampton 2N55 Victoria Bridge

350125 is close to completing its journey, the 12.54 from

Euston to Northampton with the county town being just over five miles north of this spot at Victoria Bridge. This is even closer to my home that is three fields away!