Image 43277, GR 09.08 London Kings Cross-Leeds (1N81, RT)

43277, GR 09.08 London Kings Cross-Leeds (1N81, RT)
43277, GR 09.08 London Kings Cross-Leeds (1N81, RT) 
 43277 leads the 09.08 King's Cross to Leeds past Tempsford level crossing. 43277 was originally numbered as 43077 and started its working life on this line in 1978 as part of set 254011. Thirty-nine years later, here it is thrashing up and down doing exactly what it was designed to do. 
 Keywords: 43277 1N81 Tempsford Crossing
43277, GR 09.08 London Kings Cross-Leeds (1N81, RT) 
 43277 leads the 09.08 King's Cross to Leeds past Tempsford level crossing. 43277 was originally numbered as 43077 and started its working life on this line in 1978 as part of set 254011. Thirty-nine years later, here it is thrashing up and down doing exactly what it was designed to do. 
 Keywords: 43277 1N81 Tempsford Crossing

43277 leads the 09.08 King's Cross to Leeds past Tempsford

level crossing. 43277 was originally numbered as 43077 and started its working life on this line in 1978 as part of set 254011. Thirty-nine years later, here it is thrashing up and down doing exactly what it was designed to do.