Image Andy, 43140, GW 10.06 London Paddington-Penzance, The-Cornish-Riviera , (1C077, 3L), Colthrop Crossing

Andy, 43140, GW 10.06 London Paddington-Penzance, The-Cornish-Riviera , (1C077, 3L), Colthrop Crossing
Andy, 43140, GW 10.06 London Paddington-Penzance, The-Cornish-Riviera , (1C077, 3L), Colthrop Crossing 
 Andy get his picture at Colthrop level crossing! He has captured 43140 'Landore Diesel Depot 1963 Celebrating 50 Years 2013 / Depo Diesel Gandwr 1963 Dathu 50 Mylnedd 2013' heading west with the down 1C99 'Cornish Riviera'. This along with a handful of others, is one of the best known and most fondly remembered titled trains of which a few still operate today but with little to differentiate them from others. 
 Keywords: Andy 43140 'The-Cornish-Riviera' 1C077 Colthrop Crossing
Andy, 43140, GW 10.06 London Paddington-Penzance, The-Cornish-Riviera , (1C077, 3L), Colthrop Crossing 
 Andy get his picture at Colthrop level crossing! He has captured 43140 'Landore Diesel Depot 1963 Celebrating 50 Years 2013 / Depo Diesel Gandwr 1963 Dathu 50 Mylnedd 2013' heading west with the down 1C99 'Cornish Riviera'. This along with a handful of others, is one of the best known and most fondly remembered titled trains of which a few still operate today but with little to differentiate them from others. 
 Keywords: Andy 43140 'The-Cornish-Riviera' 1C077 Colthrop Crossing

Andy get his picture at Colthrop level crossing! He has

captured 43140 'Landore Diesel Depot 1963 Celebrating 50 Years 2013 / Depo Diesel Gandwr 1963 Dathu 50 Mylnedd 2013' heading west with the down 1C99 'Cornish Riviera'. This along with a handful of others, is one of the best known and most fondly remembered titled trains of which a few still operate today but with little to differentiate them from others.