A first recorded on the sea wall at Parsons Tunnel. Earlier in the day, the combination of 800003 'Queen Elizabeth II/Queen Victoria' and 800004 'Isambard Kingdom Brunel/Sir Daniel Gooch' worked the first test train into Devon and Cornwall. Here, as the 12.47 Penzance to North Pole return working is seen heading back to London. It has to questioned if these IETs are going to be as good as the HSTs on the Devon and Cornwall banks. On paper, there is a distinct power deficit on their part. This picture featured in Rail magazine. Thirty-eight years previously, I visited this spot, then the subject matter was somewhat different but everything else was virtually the same..... https://www.ontheupfast.com/v/photos/21936chg/26669846004/x50012-09-50-penzance-london-paddington