Image 390016, VT 11.47 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B18, 4E), Roade Cutting

390016, VT 11.47 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B18, 4E), Roade Cutting
390016, VT 11.47 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B18, 4E), Roade Cutting 
 The Virgin flying silk livery is fast becoming the norm with ever more of the 390s taking on the new look. Here, 390016 speeds south through Roade Cutting forming the 11.47 Wolverhampton to London Euston. 
 Keywords: 390016 1B18 Roade Cutting
390016, VT 11.47 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B18, 4E), Roade Cutting 
 The Virgin flying silk livery is fast becoming the norm with ever more of the 390s taking on the new look. Here, 390016 speeds south through Roade Cutting forming the 11.47 Wolverhampton to London Euston. 
 Keywords: 390016 1B18 Roade Cutting

The Virgin flying silk livery is fast becoming the norm

with ever more of the 390s taking on the new look. Here, 390016 speeds south through Roade Cutting forming the 11.47 Wolverhampton to London Euston.