Image 150247 & 150102, GW 15.57 Plymouth-Penzance (2C48, 2E), Bodmin Parkway station

150247 & 150102, GW 15.57 Plymouth-Penzance (2C48, 2E), Bodmin Parkway station
150247 & 150102, GW 15.57 Plymouth-Penzance (2C48, 2E), Bodmin Parkway station 
 The all-stations 15.57 Plymouth to Penzance working pauses at Bodmin Parkway station in the afternoon sun. The train is composed or 150247 and 150102. Under the HST cascade plans for 2018, it is likely that these somewhat inadequate units will go elsewhere and that these services will be handled by short-set HSTs that have become available due to the introduction of the IET class 800s. 
 Keywords: 150247 150102 2C48 Bodmin Parkway station
150247 & 150102, GW 15.57 Plymouth-Penzance (2C48, 2E), Bodmin Parkway station 
 The all-stations 15.57 Plymouth to Penzance working pauses at Bodmin Parkway station in the afternoon sun. The train is composed or 150247 and 150102. Under the HST cascade plans for 2018, it is likely that these somewhat inadequate units will go elsewhere and that these services will be handled by short-set HSTs that have become available due to the introduction of the IET class 800s. 
 Keywords: 150247 150102 2C48 Bodmin Parkway station

The all-stations 15.57 Plymouth to Penzance working pauses at Bodmin

Parkway station in the afternoon sun. The train is composed or 150247 and 150102. Under the HST cascade plans for 2018, it is likely that these somewhat inadequate units will go elsewhere and that these services will be handled by short-set HSTs that have become available due to the introduction of the IET class 800s.