Image 350376, LM 13.33 Birmingham New Street-London Euston (1W16, 6L), Milton Keynes station

350376, LM 13.33 Birmingham New Street-London Euston (1W16, 6L), Milton Keynes station
350376, LM 13.33 Birmingham New Street-London Euston (1W16, 6L), Milton Keynes station 
 350376 rolls into Milton Keynes station forming the 13.33 Birmingham New Street to Euston working. This was the train that Andy and I took to London to begin our epic trip! 
 Keywords: 350376 1W16 Milton Keynes station
350376, LM 13.33 Birmingham New Street-London Euston (1W16, 6L), Milton Keynes station 
 350376 rolls into Milton Keynes station forming the 13.33 Birmingham New Street to Euston working. This was the train that Andy and I took to London to begin our epic trip! 
 Keywords: 350376 1W16 Milton Keynes station

350376 rolls into Milton Keynes station forming the 13.33 Birmingham

New Street to Euston working. This was the train that Andy and I took to London to begin our epic trip!