Image 66767, 11.56 Westbury-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm (6M40), Steventon

66767, 11.56 Westbury-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm (6M40), Steventon
66767, 11.56 Westbury-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm (6M40), Steventon 
 GBRF 66767 passes Steventon just west of Didcot with the 11.56 Westbury to Cliffe Stud farm empty stone wagons. Notice in the foreground the bases for the electrification masts that will ruin this photographic position. Whilst electrification is an inevitable part of railway modernisation it does nothing for photographic opportunities! 
 Keywords: 66767, 11.56 Westbury-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm 6M40 Steventon
66767, 11.56 Westbury-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm (6M40), Steventon 
 GBRF 66767 passes Steventon just west of Didcot with the 11.56 Westbury to Cliffe Stud farm empty stone wagons. Notice in the foreground the bases for the electrification masts that will ruin this photographic position. Whilst electrification is an inevitable part of railway modernisation it does nothing for photographic opportunities! 
 Keywords: 66767, 11.56 Westbury-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm 6M40 Steventon

GBRF 66767 passes Steventon just west of Didcot with the

11.56 Westbury to Cliffe Stud farm empty stone wagons. Notice in the foreground the bases for the electrification masts that will ruin this photographic position. Whilst electrification is an inevitable part of railway modernisation it does nothing for photographic opportunities!