Image 66170, 16.25 Hedon Road Sidings-Masborough, Goole station

66170, 16.25 Hedon Road Sidings-Masborough, Goole station
66170, 16.25 Hedon Road Sidings-Masborough, Goole station 
 As per the nuclear flask train the previous day at Cark station, we arrived at Goole as the train was approaching at speed! Lukily the camera settings were correct grab a going-away shot of 66170 leading the 16.25 Hedon Road to Masborough steel train. It is seen crossing the level crossing immediately west of Goole station. 
 Keywords: 66170 16.25 Hedon Road Sidings-Masborough Goole station
66170, 16.25 Hedon Road Sidings-Masborough, Goole station 
 As per the nuclear flask train the previous day at Cark station, we arrived at Goole as the train was approaching at speed! Lukily the camera settings were correct grab a going-away shot of 66170 leading the 16.25 Hedon Road to Masborough steel train. It is seen crossing the level crossing immediately west of Goole station. 
 Keywords: 66170 16.25 Hedon Road Sidings-Masborough Goole station

As per the nuclear flask train the previous day at

Cark station, we arrived at Goole as the train was approaching at speed! Lukily the camera settings were correct grab a going-away shot of 66170 leading the 16.25 Hedon Road to Masborough steel train. It is seen crossing the level crossing immediately west of Goole station.