Image Closing the crossing gates, Burneside SD503954

Closing the crossing gates, Burneside SD503954
Closing the crossing gates, Burneside SD503954 
 The signalman has emerged from his keeper's hut and is closing the gates to road users in the village of Burneside. Despite it being a fairly quiet village a fair number of vehicles soon built up either side of the gates. 
 Keywords: Closing the crossing gates Burneside SD503954
Closing the crossing gates, Burneside SD503954 
 The signalman has emerged from his keeper's hut and is closing the gates to road users in the village of Burneside. Despite it being a fairly quiet village a fair number of vehicles soon built up either side of the gates. 
 Keywords: Closing the crossing gates Burneside SD503954

The signalman has emerged from his keeper's hut and is

closing the gates to road users in the village of Burneside. Despite it being a fairly quiet village a fair number of vehicles soon built up either side of the gates.