Looking as though it could have been taken at anEastfied Open day in 1984, 37403 'Isle of Mull' stands on-dsiplay at Gresty Bridge in 2018! 37403 started out in 1965 as D6607 gaining a TOPS number of 37307 in July 1973. It was a South Wales and West of England allocated locomotive until it was rebuilt as 37403 in June 1985 moving north to serve on the Scottish Region gaining is Scottie dog logo! It stayed on the Scottish until moving back west again in 1998. It then undertook various work until withdrawal in 2008 with a bleak future ahead. However, it was refurbished and has done lots of work for EWS including long stints on the Cumbrian Coast line as well as for Greater Anglia working out of Norwich to the coast and back. An impressive story for a great design of locomotive, one wonders if the class 68s will be still going strong in fifty years time? |