Image 390043, VT 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A05, 3E), Milton Keynes Central station

390043, VT 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A05, 3E), Milton Keynes Central station
390043, VT 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A05, 3E), Milton Keynes Central station 
 390043, presently un-named, passes through Milton Keynes station at full line speed with the 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly to London Euston. A shutter speed of 1/2000 sec. has been used to capture this image but at very close examination in Photoshop there is still the very slightest hint of motion blur in, for example, the Virgin badge on the nose cone. 
 Keywords: 390043 1A05 Milton Keynes Central station
390043, VT 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly-London Euston (1A05, 3E), Milton Keynes Central station 
 390043, presently un-named, passes through Milton Keynes station at full line speed with the 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly to London Euston. A shutter speed of 1/2000 sec. has been used to capture this image but at very close examination in Photoshop there is still the very slightest hint of motion blur in, for example, the Virgin badge on the nose cone. 
 Keywords: 390043 1A05 Milton Keynes Central station

390043, presently un-named, passes through Milton Keynes station at full

line speed with the 06.10 Manchester Piccadilly to London Euston. A shutter speed of 1/2000 sec. has been used to capture this image but at very close examination in Photoshop there is still the very slightest hint of motion blur in, for example, the Virgin badge on the nose cone.