Image 390043, VT 09.38 Glasgow Central-London Euston (1M05, 1E) & 13.09 Daventry-Purfleet (4L98), Roade Cutting

390043, VT 09.38 Glasgow Central-London Euston (1M05, 1E) & 13.09 Daventry-Purfleet (4L98), Roade Cutting
390043, VT 09.38 Glasgow Central-London Euston (1M05, 1E) & 13.09 Daventry-Purfleet (4L98), Roade Cutting 
 As the tail-end of the 13.09 Daventry to Purfleet 4L98 Freightliner passes through Roade Cutting, 390043 is about to overtake it working the 09.38 Glasgow Central to Euston. 
 Keywords: 390043 1M05 13.09 Daventry to Purfleet 4L98 Roade Cutting
390043, VT 09.38 Glasgow Central-London Euston (1M05, 1E) & 13.09 Daventry-Purfleet (4L98), Roade Cutting 
 As the tail-end of the 13.09 Daventry to Purfleet 4L98 Freightliner passes through Roade Cutting, 390043 is about to overtake it working the 09.38 Glasgow Central to Euston. 
 Keywords: 390043 1M05 13.09 Daventry to Purfleet 4L98 Roade Cutting

As the tail-end of the 13.09 Daventry to Purfleet 4L98

Freightliner passes through Roade Cutting, 390043 is about to overtake it working the 09.38 Glasgow Central to Euston.