I seemed to take pictures from odd positions and angles as a youngster and this is one of them! Two trains side-by-side at Westbury station, to the left, is a Class 205 'Thumper' 1111. This was probably on a Portsmouth Harbour to Bristol Temple Meads working. To the right, a 'Hoover' Class 50 arrives with a London Paddington working. It is actually quite a good thing that it's a grey day with weak sunshine witnessed by the shadow of the mast in the foreground as if there had been blue skies, this particular spot would have been badly backlit! I replicated this view on a visit to Westbury in 2022, whilst the motive power is a little different essentially, the view is the same over forty-five years later, see.... https://www.ontheupfast.com/p/21936chg/30023905798/x11-164132-165136-gw-11-11-weymouth